Beacon Commerce Blog

Amazon Badges: A Seller’s Guide

Aug 26, 2024

As an Amazon seller, standing out in a crowded marketplace can be challenging.

Amazon Badges are one way to get competition-beating attention for your products.

Understanding Amazon Badges 

Amazon badges are icons displayed on product listings to highlight specific achievements or attributes. They signal quality and trust to boost visibility, credibility, and sales.

These badges help shoppers quickly identify products that meet their needs, providing reassurance and confidence based on customer reviews, ratings, and other data. Amazon uses badges to help shoppers navigate all the options available for various keyword searches.  

Types of Amazon Badges 

  • Best Seller 
  • Amazon’s Choice 
  • New Release 
  • Limited Time Deal 
  • Prime 
  • Small Business
  • Climate Pledge Friendly 

Amazon Best Seller Badge 

The “Best Seller” badge is an orange ribbon icon in the upper left corner of a product. It indicates that a product is currently one of the top-selling items in its category. You can earn this badge by having the highest sales in a specific category over a recent period.  This data is updated every 15 minutes by Amazon.

Amazon’s Choice Badge 

The “Amazon’s Choice” badge is awarded to products that are highly rated, well-priced, and available for immediate shipping for a specific search term. It helps customers quickly identify high-quality, reliable products, often leading to increased sales for that term. Products with this badge are seen as trusted and well-reviewed, enhancing their attractiveness to shoppers.  Make sure you have enough stock in the fulfillment centers so your product is available all across the country on 2-day Prime Shipping.

Amazon New Release Badge 

The “New Release” badge highlights newly launched products that are quickly gaining popularity.

This badge draws attention to new products, helping them gain early traction and visibility. For sellers, earning this badge can be crucial in establishing a new product’s presence on Amazon. Achieving this badge in a product launch is an important step in the long-term success of the product. 

Pro tip: Create the momentum you need to attain the #1 New Release Badge by using the VINE program to get customer reviews, and by building awareness on your social media channels.

Amazon Limited Time Deal Badge 

The “Limited Time Deal” badge is featured on products available at a discounted price for a limited period. This badge attracts bargain hunters and encourages quick purchasing decisions due to the time-sensitive nature of the deal.

Sellers can use this badge to boost sales volume during promotional periods, such as during Prime Week, Deal of the Day or Lightning Deals.

Amazon Prime Badge 

The “Prime” badge indicates that your products are eligible for Amazon Prime’s fast, free shipping. This badge is particularly appealing to Prime members who want quick and convenient shipping options.

For that reason, we always recommend Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) whenever possible, which makes your products eligible for Prime shipping. Amazon Prime shipping is a key differentiator from other online e-commerce platforms, one way Amazon is helping you market your products effectively.

Amazon Small Business Badge

The Amazon Small Business badge confirm that a product is from a small business brand. To be eligible, you must have fewer than 100 employees or make less than $50 million in annual revenue. Learn more about the Amazon Small Business Badge.

Amazon small business badge

Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly Badge 

The “Climate Pledge Friendly” badge is assigned to products that meet sustainability certifications.

Sellers with this badge can attract a growing segment of shoppers who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions. This badge requires third-party certification; however, it can be a worthwhile tactic as a differentiator in the right category. (See certification partners for Amazon Canada and Amazon US.)

Where Do Amazon Badges Appear?

Amazon badges appear in a number of spots on the platform, including:

Search Results: Badges are prominently displayed next to product listings in search results, making it easier for customers to identify top-rated or best-selling items.

Product Pages: On individual product pages, badges are usually located near the product title or price, reinforcing the product’s credibility.

Category Pages: When browsing specific categories, customers will see badges next to products, helping them quickly find popular and high-quality items.

Deals Pages: Badges related to discounts or promotions, such as “Limited Time Deal,” appear on the deals and offers pages to attract shoppers looking for the best deals.

Recommendations: In sections like “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” or “Recommended for You,” badges help highlight featured or highly rated products, guiding customer choices.

Strategies for Earning Amazon Badges

Amazon Badges result from a combination of high product quality, customer satisfaction, and strategic marketing savvy. Here are some tips to help you achieve these coveted badges:

  1. Optimize Product Listings: Ensure your product titles, descriptions, and images are clear, accurate, and appealing. Use relevant keywords to improve search visibility for keywords that matter for your product.
  2. Competitive Pricing: Price your products competitively to attract more buyers and increase sales volume.  Watch the configuration settings to ensure your cost per serving is accurate so customers see the true value of your product compared to competitors.
  3. Encourage Reviews: Provide excellent customer service and follow up with customers to support positive reviews and high ratings on your products.  Amazon will follow up with customers on your behalf, however, it isn’t a perfect system.   We recommend doing your own outreach within the terms of service allowed by Amazon.
  4. Manage Inventory: Keep your products in stock and ready to ship to maintain good standing with Amazon’s Choice and Prime badges.  Keeping enough inventory in place to account for Amazon moving inventory around the country is key to staying in stock.
  5. Run Promotions: Offer limited-time deals or discounts to attract more customers and increase your chances of earning badges related to sales and deals. The long-term effects of these short-term promotions can greatly amplify your success on Amazon.  Just keep an eye on your profitability so you know the true costs to your business.

Badges help you stand out on Amazon

Amazon Badges are a sign that your Amazon business is doing things right. It’s another way to stand out and persuade customers to hit the Buy now button. Optimize your product listings, price competitively, encourage reviews, manage inventory, and run promotions to achieve these coveted badges.

Need help to navigate Amazon complexity? Partner with Beacon Commerce and let us help you optimize your strategy and maximize your success. Contact us today and let’s explore the possibilities together.

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